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Dr. Jingyu Huang, Postdoctoral Researcher (2014)
PhD, Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2014)
Office: 3rd Floor Student Bay, Hearst Memorial Mining Building
Phone: 510-643-6804
Email: jingyu.huangberkeley.edu
Project: Co-assembly of nanoparticles and supramolecules in nanocomposite thin films
Dr. Tao Jiang, Postdoctoral Researcher (2016)
PhD, Chemistry, Emory University (2015)
Office: 3rd Floor Student Bay, Hearst Memorial Mining Building
Phone: 510-643-6804
Email: tjiang6berkeley.edu

Currently Professor at Xiamen University
Shuai Liu, Graduate Student (2014), Advanced to PhD Candidacy (2016)
B.S. Chemistry, Peking University (2014)
Email: liushuai10000berkeley.edu
Project: MOF containing random copolymer based mixed matrix membrane
Shawn Darnall, Graduate Student (2011), Advanced to PhD Candidacy (2017)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University (2010)
Email: smd74berkeley.edu
Project: Co-assembly of cyclic peptide nanotubes and block copolymers in thin films, membranes
Mina Wu, Undergraduate Student (2016)
Major: Biochemistry
Email: mina.wuberkeley.edu
Project: Synthesis of cyclic peptides
Dr. Chongyu Zhu, Postdoctoral Researcher (2017)
PhD, Chemistry, University of Warwick, UK (2017)
B.S. Chemistry, Tsinghua University, China (2013)
Email: c.zhuberkeley.edu
Project: Peptide based materials for drug delivery

Currently Research Associate at Fudan University
Dr. Sheng-Sheng Yu, Postdoctoral Researcher (2017)
PhD, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (2017)
Email: ssyuberkeley.edu

Currently Assistant Professor at National Tsing-Hua University
Dr. Jaewon Choi, Postdoctoral Researcher (2017)
PhD, Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2017)
Email: jwjwchoiberkeley.edu
Project: Organic/inorganic nanocomposites
Alisa Bowen, Undergraduate Student (2015)
Major: Chemical Biology
Email: ajbowenberkeley.edu
Project: Protein-based nanoreactors
Anton Smith, Postdoctoral Researcher (2016)
PhD, Chemistry, Aarhus University, Denmark (2015)
Email: aaasberkeley.edu
Project: RAFT synthesis of polymers
JooChuan Ang, PhD Materals Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2016)
B.Sc. Chemistry, University of Melbourne (2007)
B.Sc. Chemistry (Honours), Australian National University (2009)
MPhil Chemistry, Australian National University (2011)
Email: joochuanberkeley.edu
Project: Clustered multivalent ligands for targeted nanocarrier drug delivery
Kathryn Kitayama, Undergraduate Student (2015)
Major: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Email: kkitayamaberkeley.edu
Project: Evaluating protein stability under different processing conditions
Jesse Li, Undergraduate Student (2015)
Major: Chemical Engineering
Email: jesseyliberkeley.edu
Yihan Xiao, Graduate Student (2014)
B.E. Polymer Materials and Engineering, Tsinghua University (2014)
Email: yihan.xiaoberkeley.edu
Project: Self-assembly of large nanoparticles in bulk diblock copolymer based-supramolecules

Currently Graduate Student in Ceder Group
Brian Panganiban, Graduate Student (2011), Advanced to PhD Candidacy (2015)
B.S. Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley (2010)
M.S. Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2014)
Email: brian_panganibanberkeley.edu
Project: Rational design of new polymer surfactants for protein stabilization in organic solvents
Izaac Sit, Undergraduate Student (2014)
Major: Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Email: izaacsitberkeley.edu
Project: Synthesis of polymer surfactants
Su-Wen Hsu, Postdoctoral Researcher (2015)
PhD, Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego (2014)
Email: freedom021119berkeley.edu
Project: Directed assembly of anisotropic nanoparticles in diblock copolymer based supramolecules
Dustin Schell, Undergraduate Student (2015)
Major: Chemical Engineering
Email: dustin.schellberkeley.edu
Project: Synthesis of cyclic peptide-polymer conjugates
Tao Li, Postdoctoral Researcher (2014)
PhD, Chemistry, University of Pittsburg (2013)
Email: taoliberkeley.edu
Project: Mixed matrix membranes for gas separation

Currently Assistant Professor at ShanghaiTech University
Kiana Baumgartner, Visiting Scholar (2014)
B.Sc. Nanostructuretechnology (Physics), University of Wuerzburg (2014)
Email: kiana.bberkeley.edu
Project: Drug encapsulation in nanocarriers

Currently Masters Student in Physics at University of Wuerzburg
Mona Obadia, Visiting Scholar (2015)
PhD Student in Materials Sciences (2014), University of Lyon
Specialized MS Composit Structures: Simulation and Processing Technologies, Ecole Centrale de Nantes (2012)
MS Polymer Chemistry and Engineering, ITECH Lyon (2011)
Email: obadia.monagmail.com
Project: Ion Conducting Polymer Electrolytes
Beverly Zhang, Graduate Student (2009), Advanced to PhD Candidacy (2012)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan (2009)
Email: beverlyzhberkeley.edu
Project: Assembly and characterization of cyclic peptide-polymer conjugates

Currently Consultant at Exponent
Peter Bai, Graduate Student (2010), Advanced to PhD Candidacy (2012)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University (2010)
M.S. Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2011)
Email: peter.baiberkeley.edu
Project: Directed assembly of nanoparticles in diblock copolymer based supramolecules

Currently Senior Engineer at Dow Chemical
Ashley Tsai, Undergraduate Student (2014)
Major: Bioengineering and Materials Science
Email: ashleytsaiberkeley.edu
Project: Self-assembly of protein-polymer complexes

Currently Masters Student in Chemical Biology at Oxford University, UK
Iris Lee, Undergraduate Student (2014)
Major: Chemical Biology
Email: iris.leeberkeley.edu
Project: Cellular uptake of nanocarriers

Currently Technical Assistant in Griffith Lab, MIT
Yeling Dai, Postdoctoral Researcher (2014)
PhD, Physics, University of California, San Diego (2013)
Email: ydaiberkeley.edu
Yoko Nakano, Postdoctoral Researcher (2013)
PhD, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan (2010)
Postdoc, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands (2010-2012)
Email: y.nakanoberkeley.edu

Currently Research Scientist at Eureka Therapeutics
Shanshan Hu, Visiting Scholar (2013)
PhD, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science
Lecturer, Southwest University
Email: shanshanhu.swugmail.com

Currently Lecturer at Southwest University, China
Yi Xue, Postdoctoral Researcher (2013)
PhD, Brown University (2013)
Email: yixueberkeley.edu

Currently Chemist at Biorad
Nikhil Dube, Graduate Student (2009), Advanced to PhD Candidacy (2011)
B.S. Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (2006)
M.S. Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2010)
Email: ndubeberkeley.edu
Project: Synthesis and characterization of peptide conjugated biodegradable and biocompatible polymers to undestand the self assembly of these conjugates for the design of functional materials for biotechnological applications

Currently Formulation Scientist at Bayer
Kari Thorkelsson, Graduate Student (2009), Advanced to PhD Candidacy (2012)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2009)
Email: kthorkelssonberkeley.edu
Project: Hierarchical self-assembly of diblock copolymer and nanoparticle composites

Currently Process Engineer at Lam Research
Joseph Kao, Graduate Student (2009), Advanced to PhD Candidacy (2012)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2009)
M.S. Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2010)
Email: josephkaoberkeley.edu
Project: 1. Directed assembly of nanoparticles in diblock copolymer based supramolecular thin films
2. Dielectric properties of diblock copolymer based nanocomposites

Currently Senior R&D Engineer at Dow Chemical Company
Benjamin Rancatore, Ben Rancatore, Graduate Student (2008)
B.S. Chemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara (2008)
Email: benranberkeley.edu
Project: Hierarchical self-assembly of polymer and small molecule composites for solar cell and OFET applications

Currently Process Development Engineer at Intel Corporation
Keun Hyung Lee, Postdoctoral Researcher (2012)
PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (2012)
Email: kh.leeberkeley.edu
Project: Supramolecular Nanocomposites for High-k Dielectrics

Currently Assistant Professor at Inha University
Yunfeng Qiu, Visiting Scholar (2012)
PhD, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science
Lecturer, Harbin Institute of Technology
Email: qiuyfberkeley.edu
Project: Synthesis and Assembly of Cyclic Peptide-polymer Conjugates; Subnanometer Porous Membrane Based on Co-assembly of Cyclic Peptide-Polymer Conjugates in Block Copolymer.

Currently Lecturer at Harbin Institute of Technology
Vera Schroeder, Masters Student (2013)
B. S. Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University (2011)
Email: veraschroederberkeley.edu
Project: Nanorod assembly in block copolymer-based Supramolecules
Changyi Li, Graduate Student (2010), Advanced to PhD Candidacy (2012)
B.S. Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology (2010)
Email: changyiberkeley.edu
Currently Graduate Student at the Molecular Foundry
Reidar Lund, Postdoctoral Researcher (2011)
PhD, Forschungszentrum Julich/University of Munster (2004)
Post Doc, Forschungszentrum Julich (2004-2006)
Post Doc, University of the Basque Country (2006-2011)
Email: reidarberkeley.edu
Project: Studies of self-assembly phenomena in hybrid biomolecular materials using synchrotron and neutron scattering techniques. Protein and block copolymer co-assembly for therapeutics.

Currently Assistant Professor at University of Oslo
Marta Kocun, Postdoctoral Researcher (2011)
PhD, Chemistry, Goettingen University (2011)
Email: marta.kocungmail.com
Project: Dielectric properties of diblock copolymer based nanocomposites
Thomas Lazzara, Postdoctoral Researcher (2011)
PhD, Chemistry, Goettingen University (2011)
Email: thomas.lazzaraberkeley.edu
He Dong, Postdoctoral Researcher (2009)
PhD, Chemistry, Rice University (2008)
Email: dongtang62berkeley.edu
Project: Self-assembly of amphiphilic peptide-polymer conjugates into highly ordered micro and nanostructures
Currently Assistant Professor at Clarkson University
Jessica Shu, Graduate Student (2007), Advanced to PhD Candidacy (2010)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2007)
Email: jyshuberkeley.edu
Project: Characterization of peptide-polymer conjugates and investigating the self-assembly of hierarchically ordered nanostructures
Currently Working at Dow Chemical
Yufei Ma, Visiting Graduate Student (2010)
B.S. Chemistry, Lanzhou University
Email: yufei_maberkeley.edu
Project: Assembly of nanoparticles for bioimaging applications
Currently Graduate Student at Lanzhou University
Seong-Jun Jeong, Postdoctoral Researcher (2010)
PhD, Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (2010)
Email: jeong.seongjungmail.com
Project: Long-range ordering of block copolymer thin films
Currently working at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
Rami Hourani, Postdoctoral Researcher (2009-2011)
PhD, Chemistry, McGill University (2009)
Email: rami.houraniberkeley.edu
Project: Synthesis and characterization of peptide-polymer conjugates
Currently staff scientist at Intel
Sijun Liu (Susan), Staff Research Associate (2009-2011)
B.S. Chemical Biology, B.A. Molecular and Cell Biology (Immunology), University of California, Berkeley (2009)
Email: s_liuberkeley.edu
Project: In vitro characterization of peptide-polymer conjugates
Currently graduate student in bioengineering at University of Washington, Seattle
Joseph Chang, Staff Research Associate (2010), Undergraduate Researcher (2009-2010)
B.A. Molecular and Cell Biology (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology), University of California, Berkeley (2010)
Email: jjchangberkeley.edu
Project: Synthesis of peptide-polymer conjugate
Currently pursuing MD at Wayne State University, Michigan
Myung Im Kim, Postdoctoral Researcher (2010-2011)
PhD, Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University (2009)
Email: mikimberkeley.edu
Project: Hierarchical assembly of cholesteric small-molecule based nanocomposites
Currently working at Samsung
Dong Hyun Lee, Postdoctoral Researcher (2010)
PhD, Chemical Engineering, POSTECH (2008)
Email: reptationgmail.com
Project: Long-range ordering of block copolymers on textured surface
Currently Assistant Professor at Dankook University
Andrew Presley , Postdoctoral Researcher (2008-2011)
PhD, Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley (2008)
Email: presleyberkeley.edu
Project: Study of hierarchical self assembly of polymer/bioconjugate nanomaterials
Currently patent scientist at Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
Alexander Mastroianni, Postdoctoral Researcher (2008-2010)
PhD, Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley (2008)
Email: ajmberkeley.edu
Project: Synthesis and characterization of bulk and thin film nanocomposites
Currently staff scientist at Life Technologies
Vivian Peng-Wei Chuang, Postdoctoral Researcher (2009-2010)
PhD, Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2009)
Email: pwchuangberkeley.edu
Project: Templated assembly of nanoparticles using block copolymer thin film for solar cell applications
Currently senior engineer at the Dow Chemical Company
Jonathan Combs, Staff Research Associate (2009-2010)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2009)
Email: jonathanjcombsberkeley.edu
Project: Synthesis and characterization of bulk and thin film nanocomposites
Nana Zhao , Postdoctoral Researcher (2008-2009)
Ph.D. State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC) Chinese Academy of Science (2007)
Email: nnazhaoberkeley.edu
Project: Synthesis and characterization of peptide-polymer conjugate
Yu-Ja Huang, Undergraduate (2007-2009)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2009)
Email: yu-jaberkeley.edu
Project: Purification of peptide using HPLC and investigation of binding using UV-vis.
Currently Materials Science & Engineering Ph.D. student at Johns Hopkins University
Joseph Tingsanchali, Graduate Student (2007-2009)
B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin (2007)
Email: jtingberkeley.edu
Project: Nanoscopic template of alpha-helix bundles (diblock copolymer thin film); Polymer-peptide synthesis and characterization
Currently Process Engineer at Samsung Austin Semiconductor
Paul Tillberg, Undergraduate (2008-2009)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2009)
Email: ptillberggmail.com
Project: Hierachical self-assembly of diblock copolymers with small molecules
Currently Electric Engineering & Computer Science Ph.D. student at the University of California, Berkeley
Matthew Richards, Undergraduate (2008-2009)
B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
Email: marichardsberkeley.edu
Project: Hierarchical self assembly of diblock copolymers with small molecules
Yue Zhao, Postdoctoral Researcher (2008)
Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, University of Central Florida (2007)
Email:  yue.zhaoberkeley.edu
  • Synthesis of peptide-polymer bioconjugates

  • Development of hierarchical assemblies in thin films based on block copolymers and inorganic nanoparticles.
    Currently process engineer at Applied Materials
    Tom Schilling, Graduate Student (2008)
    M.S. Materials Science and Engineering (2008)
    Email: tom_samit.edu
    Project: Hierarchical self-assembly of nanoparticles in polymer
    Currently Anthropology Ph.D. student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Shih-Huang Tung, Postdoctoral Researcher (2007-2008)
    Ph.D. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park (2007)
    Email: shtungberkeley.edu
    Project: Characterization of self-assembled structures in thin films formed by diblock copolymer with hydrogen-bonded amphiphiles.
    Currently assistant professor at the National Taiwan University
    Nisha C Kalarickal, Postdoctoral Researcher (2007-2008)
    Ph.D. Chemistry, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India (2004)
    Project: Synthesis and characterization of block copolymers
    Joanna Tan, Undergraduate (2007-2008)
    B.S. Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley (2007)
    Currently Ph.D. student at Cornell University
    Current Members

    The Ting Xu Group